Tuesday, 27 October 2009


今天正式到client的公司去audit了!根据senior的知识,七手八脚的把purchase section完成~~~现在终于明白为什么auditor每天都要加班,因为根本就不可能在这么短的时间里完成,所有步骤都是很耗时的,还真难想象peak period的时候会有多么恐怖!!


Tuesday, 6 October 2009

nose bleeding

argh.....nose bleeding has come back to me again after i had KFC for dinner yesterday~~~
totally annoying, been in the office to do some e learning, some admin stuff.....everyone seems to be so busy to bother us....n there is quite a big group of us to squeeze in the office without any permanent seat~~~according to my system showed, my first engagement would only start in Dec which is The Ascott where my whole month would b spent on!

Monday, 5 October 2009

weekend in jb

now i know why u guys always feel so reluctant to come back to sg on the sunday night~~~

hv to thanks papa ,mama n ying for driving me back here in sg, it takes some time for them to get back. really appreciate it!!! 

Friday, 2 October 2009

changi airport + 1st day in KPMG

Went to Changi airport which took me 40 mins to go n another 40 mins to return, to send my beloved Higashi's fren off to Japan! Eventually, they r going to Japan n i m starting my long deferred work! Guys, take care n I will really miss u guys!

Kpmg gave me a feeling of organised yet competitive n strict today! Met quite a lot of grads, mainly from NTU n i m one of the few who are Aus grad. It's a long n tiring day with the whole day spent in the training room! by the way, we did feel the earthquake, the whole building was shaking while the partner ask us not to worry~~~hope that tmr wouldn't b too hot to run around the city ! 頑張って!